How to respond to “Just Chilling”

It’s inevitable that you’ll hear the phrase “just chilling” when talking to your friends. Whether someone is responding to “what are you doing?” or explaining to you their plans for the weekend, there’s a good chance that “just chilling” is their go-to response.

While it’s often seen as a lazy phrase, “just chilling” doesn’t have to be a boring response. Here are some tips for responding to – or initiating – a conversation about “just chilling.”

Make the Most of ‘Just Chilling’: Tips for Responding to Idle Time

When someone responds with the ever-so-generic “just chilling,” it’s easy to feel like the conversation has come to a standstill. However, there are many ways to respond and make the most of an idle time.

First, take some time to be curious about their response. Ask “What are you doing exactly?” or “What does chilling involve?” You may be surprised to hear about their specific plans for the day or weekend that they just weren’t ready to divulge at first.

Second, instead of just asking questions, you could also challenge them to expand. Ask them to elaborate on what they’re doing instead of “chilling.” This could be a great time to explore their hobbies and passions, activities they’re participating in, or any other interests they have.

Finally, suggest some activities that the two of you can do together. Get creative and opt for something out of the ordinary. Suggesting a specific activity can be a great way to get their day going, and it’s always more fun to do something together.

Example Responses

Sometimes the best response to “just chilling” is something unexpected. If you’re looking for some inspiration, consider these example responses:

  • “Let’s find something fun to do!”
  • “What’s on your agenda for today?”
  • “Sounds like a good day for (insert activity here)!”
  • “I’m so jealous…tell me more about what you’re doing.”

Example Conversations

Here are some examples of conversations that could follow once someone responds to “just chilling”:

Example 1:
Person 1: Hey, what are you up to?
Person 2: Just chilling.
Person 1: What activities are you getting up to? Painting? Dancing?

Example 2:
Person 1: What do you have planned for the weekend?
Person 2: Just chilling.
Person 1: Let’s grab dinner together on Friday night.


Though it’s easy to write off the response “just chilling” as the go-to phrase for those who can’t think of anything else to say, it doesn’t have to be a sign for the end of an exciting conversation. Don’t be afraid to get creative and explore the possibilities of “just chilling.” There’s something out there for everyone, and “just chilling” could be the perfect opportunity to find it.


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