Me and My Friends or My Friends and I – Which is Correct?

Are you ever confused about whether to use “Me and my friends” or “My friends and I” when referring to a group of people? This is a common grammar dilemma that many people face. The confusion arises because both phrases sound grammatically correct, but are they?

We use “my friends and I” when we are the subject of the sentence and “my friends and me” when we are the object of the sentence.  

In this article, we will explore the correct usage of “Me and my friends” and “My friends and I”. We will provide you with the necessary information to help you make the right choice when using these phrases. We will also look at some common misconceptions and answer the question of which phrase is correct in different situations.

By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of when to use “Me and my friends” and when to use “My friends and I”. So, let’s dive in and find out which phrase is grammatically correct.

Subject-Verb Agreement

Subject-verb agreement is an essential part of constructing grammatically correct sentences. It refers to the rule that the subject and verb in a sentence should use the same number, person, and gender. In English, subject-verb agreement is about matching the number, with the exception of the verb “be.”

For example, “My friends and I are going to the cinema” is grammatically correct because the subject “my friends and I” is plural and requires a plural verb “are.” On the other hand, “Me and my friends are going to the cinema” is incorrect because “me” is an object pronoun and cannot be a subject. The correct subject pronoun is “I.”

It’s important to note that the order of the pronouns in a compound subject doesn’t affect subject-verb agreement. For instance, “My friends and I” and “I and my friends” are both correct as long as they are the subject of the sentence.

Here are some more examples of subject-verb agreement:

The dogbarks
The catsmeow
The book and the penare

Remember, choosing the correct subject and verb will help you avoid errors of subject-verb agreement. By following this basic rule, you can ensure that your sentences are grammatically correct and convey your intended meaning clearly.

The Rule

Using “Me and my friends” or “My friends and I” correctly depends on whether the phrase is the subject or object of the sentence.

When the phrase is the subject of the sentence, it should be “My friends and I.” For example, “My friends and I are going to the cinema.”

When the phrase is the object of the sentence, it should be “My friends and me.” For example, “My aunt invited my friend and me to dinner.”

It is important to note that this rule applies to compound subjects and objects. For example, “My sister and I went to the store” is correct, while “Me and my sister went to the store” is incorrect.

Using “Me and my friends” as the subject of the sentence is grammatically incorrect, but it is a common mistake.

It is important to use the correct form to avoid sounding uneducated or careless. Remember, the rule is to put yourself last in the phrase when it is combined with others. This is considered more polite and flows better in conversation.

Common Mistakes

Using “me” instead of “I” or vice versa is a common mistake that many people make. Here are some examples of common mistakes:

  • Incorrect: Me and my friends went to the movies.
  • Correct: My friends and I went to the movies.
  • Incorrect: The teacher gave the award to my friend and I.
  • Correct: The teacher gave the award to my friend and me.

It’s important to remember that “I” is used as the subject of a sentence, while “me” is used as the object of a sentence. This means that “I” comes before the verb, while “me” comes after the verb or preposition.

Another common mistake is using “myself” instead of “me” or “I”. “Myself” is a reflexive pronoun that should only be used when the subject and object of the sentence are the same person. Here’s an example:

  • Incorrect: My friend and myself went to the party.
  • Correct: My friend and I went to the party.

Finally, it’s important to remember that colloquial speech often breaks grammar rules. While it might be common to hear people say “me and my friends” in casual conversation, it’s still important to use proper grammar in more formal writing or situations.

When to Use ‘Me and My Friends’

Using ‘Me and My Friends’ is acceptable in certain contexts. For example, when ‘Me and My Friends’ is the object of a sentence, it is grammatically correct to use it. Here are some examples:

  • He invited me and my friends to his party.
  • The teacher gave candy to me and my friends for answering the question correctly.

However, it is important to note that using ‘Me and My Friends’ as the subject of the sentence is incorrect. In these cases, ‘My Friends and I’ should be used instead. Here are some examples:

  • My friends and I went to the beach yesterday.
  • My friends and I are planning a trip to Europe next summer.

It is also important to consider the context and formality of the situation. Using ‘My Friends and I’ is considered more polite and formal than using ‘Me and My Friends’. Therefore, it is recommended to use ‘My Friends and I’ in formal situations such as business meetings, interviews, and academic writing.

When to Use ‘My Friends and I’

When it comes to using “my friends and I” or “my friends and me,” it’s important to understand when to use each phrase. In general, “my friends and I” is the correct choice when it is the subject of the sentence. Here are a few examples:

  • My friends and I went to the movies last night.
  • My friends and I are planning a trip to Europe next summer.
  • My friends and I are all in the same English class.

Notice that in each of these examples, “my friends and I” is the subject of the sentence. It is the group of people who are performing the action in the sentence (going to the movies, planning a trip, being in the same class).

On the other hand, “my friends and me” is the correct choice when it is the object of the sentence. Here are a few examples:

  • My aunt invited my friend and me to dinner.
  • Could you take a picture of my friends and me?
  • He gave a present to my friends and me.

Notice that in each of these examples, “my friends and me” is the object of the sentence. It is the group of people who are receiving the action in the sentence (being invited to dinner, having a picture taken, receiving a present).

Overall, it’s important to pay attention to the role that “my friends and I” or “my friends and me” plays in the sentence. By understanding the difference between the subject and object of a sentence, you can use these phrases correctly and avoid common grammar mistakes.


Here are some more examples to clarify the usage of “me and my friends” or “my friends and I.”

  • My friends and I went to the beach yesterday.
  • My friends and I are planning a trip to Europe next summer.
  • My friend and I are going to see a movie tonight.
  • My friend and I volunteered at the animal shelter last weekend.

Notice how “my friends and I” is used as the subject of the sentence, while “my friend and I” is used as the object. It’s important to use the correct pronoun based on the sentence structure.

Here are a couple more examples:

Me and my friends went to the concert.My friends and I went to the concert.
My boss gave a promotion to my friend and I.My boss gave a promotion to my friend and me.

Remember, using “my friends and I” is considered more polite, but both “I and my friends” and “my friends and I” are grammatically correct. It’s up to personal preference and the context of the situation.


As we have seen throughout this article, the question of whether to use “me and my friends” or “my friends and I” can be a bit tricky. However, there are some simple rules that can help you determine which one is correct in a given situation.

Always remember that “I” is used as the subject of a sentence, while “me” is used as the object. So, if you and your friends are the subject of the sentence, then you should use “my friends and I”. On the other hand, if you and your friends are the object of the sentence, then you should use “me and my friends”.

You should also be aware that there are some situations where either one can be correct, depending on the context. For example, if you are describing a photo of you and your friends, you might say “that’s me and my friends in the picture” or “that’s my friends and I in the picture”. Both are acceptable, but the first one might be more common in casual conversation.

Finally, it’s worth noting that while proper grammar is important, it’s not always the most important thing. In many cases, using “me and my friends” instead of “my friends and I” might sound more natural and conversational. So, don’t be afraid to trust your instincts and use the phrasing that feels right to you.


2 responses to “Me and My Friends or My Friends and I – Which is Correct?”

  1. william allan Avatar
    william allan

    I hate this whole Me First attitude that has overtaken the English language. It is disrespectful to you friends to put yourself first.

    1. Thank you for sharing your perspective! I can understand how the phrase “Me and My Friends” might come across as self-centered at first glance, especially if we view it through a social or cultural lens. However, in the context of grammar, the placement of “me” or “I” isn’t about putting oneself first or second—it’s about how the sentence is structured.

      For example:

      “My friends and I went to the park” is correct when “I” is the subject of the sentence.
      “The gift was for me and my friends” is correct when “me” is the object.
      Grammatically, the “I” or “me” doesn’t reflect priority or respect—it’s just a matter of function within the sentence. That said, I appreciate your thoughtful take on how language can influence how we view relationships and social interactions. It’s a reminder of how deeply language and culture are intertwined.

      Thanks again for reading and contributing to the discussion! 😊

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