Is “Much Appreciated” Formal?(+ Alternatives)

When you’re writing a formal letter, or speaking with a boss or superior, you’re expected to use formal speech. One expression that many use is “much appreciated”, but is it really a good thing to say in formal settings?

“Much appreciated” is a phrase you shouldn’t use in formal settings. It’s considered a casual way of saying thanks, and it can come off as rude if you say it in a formal environment or write it in a formal letter. Also, your bosses will see this as lazy since it’s a simple phrase that doesn’t make you seem truly grateful.

The rest of this article will cover what much appreciated means, and alternatives to it.

What “Much Appreciated” Means

“Much appreciated” is a way of expressing gratitude. It quite literally means that you appreciate whatever’s being done for you very much. However, it is a casual speech expression and not one you should use in a work environment. This phrase works better with your friends.

Another phrase like it is “greatly appreciated”, but both this and “much appreciated” are considered informal ways of thanking someone. You should never use these phrases in a formal environment, and you should look for alternatives instead.

Alternatives To “Much Appreciated”

Since “much appreciated” is frowned upon, there are plenty of alternatives you can try. Even “I appreciate it very much” is better because it at least shows you’re taking the effort to identify that you in particular appreciate the actions that are being done for you.

The best alternatives are the ones that are specific. For example, if your boss is giving you a raise, you can say something like this: “Thank you very much for your generosity with my salary increase.”

By including the specific thing you’re thankful for, you’re showing who you’re speaking to that you’re paying attention to their actions, and you’re also avoiding looking lazy because you’re thanking them in a more formal way.

Here are a few examples of phrases you can say to thank the person you’re speaking to. Each example will have different contexts:

  1. “Thank you for your willingness to help me. I appreciate your patience and promise to return the favor.”
  2. “Thank you for all your leadership and support. You’ve done an amazing job for this company, and we admire your leadership skills.”
  3. “I am very appreciative of all the support you’ve shown me throughout my time here.”



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