What Is the Origin of “My Work Here Is Done”?

In English, there are many words and phrases that originate from media such as TV shows, movies, comic books, and more. Writers are always inventing new words and phrases to describe things. “My work here is done” is one of those phrases, but where does it originate?

“My work here is done” is a popular phrase that originates from a piece of media called The Lone Ranger. There are countless examples of the phrase being used in pop culture, but The Lone Ranger is the earliest example of it being used. The Lone Ranger came out in 1938, and as the years went by, more and more pop culture movies and shows used the phrase.

The rest of this article will cover what “my work here is done” means, and how to use it.

What “My Work Here Is Done” Means

The good news about this phrase is that it means exactly what it says. If you’re saying “my work here is done”, it means you finished your work in the place you’re at. For example, if you’re at work and say this, it means you finished your work for the day.

It’s considered a cliche phrase, especially since you see it used both in media and in daily life all the time. The Lone Ranger is one example of it being used, but you’ll also see it in other movies such as Blazing Saddles (1974).

How To Use “My Work Here Is Done”

Since this phrase works on its own, you don’t need to worry about giving it a whole sentence. You can simply say “my work here is done”. Also, how you use it depends on the context. You can say it seriously, or in a sarcastic and joking way.

Here are a few examples of ways you can use “my work here is done”:

“The kids are finally asleep, so my work here is done.”

“Sally got my message and agreed to stop talking to my boyfriend. Well, I guess my work here is done.”

“My best friend said she’s going to leave her job and go back to college. My advice paid off, so my work here is done.”

Those three examples are all ways you can use the phrase in a sentence, and they’re also examples of the different contexts you can give it to make it stand out more.



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