How to Pronounce “th” and “r” Together in English

Learning how to speak English fluently requires mastering the correct pronunciation of certain sounds, including the “th” and “r” sounds. These sounds can be particularly challenging for non-native speakers, as they are not commonly found in other languages. However, with a bit of practice and guidance, anyone can learn to pronounce these sounds accurately.

The “th” sound is created by placing the tongue between the teeth and blowing air out while making a sound. There are two types of “th” sounds in English: the voiced “th” sound, as heard in the word “this,” and the unvoiced “th” sound, as heard in the word “think.” Similarly, the “r” sound is created by vibrating the vocal cords while making a sound with the tongue and lips. Pronouncing these sounds correctly is essential for clear communication in English.

In this article, we will provide tips and techniques for mastering the “th” and “r” sounds in English. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced English learner, these tips can help you improve your pronunciation and speak English more confidently. By following these guidelines and practicing regularly, you can overcome the challenges of these tricky sounds and become a more effective communicator in English.

Understanding the ‘th’ Sound

The ‘th’ sound is one of the most challenging sounds for non-native English speakers to master. It is a unique sound that is not present in many other languages. In this section, we will explore the two different ‘th’ sounds and the mouth and tongue positioning required to produce them correctly.

Voiced and Unvoiced ‘th’ Sounds

There are two ‘th’ sounds in English: the voiced ‘th’ and the unvoiced ‘th.’ The voiced ‘th’ sound is produced when the vocal cords vibrate, while the unvoiced ‘th’ sound is produced without any vibration of the vocal cords.

To produce the voiced ‘th’ sound, place the tip of your tongue behind your top front teeth and blow air out while vibrating your vocal cords. This sound is found in words such as “this” and “mother.”

To produce the unvoiced ‘th’ sound, place the tip of your tongue behind your top front teeth and blow air out without vibrating your vocal cords. This sound is found in words such as “think” and “bath.”

Mouth and Tongue Positioning

The correct mouth and tongue positioning is crucial to producing the ‘th’ sound correctly. To produce either ‘th’ sound, place the tip of your tongue behind your top front teeth and blow air out. The sides of your tongue should touch the inside of your top back teeth.

It is important to note that your lips should be relaxed and slightly apart when producing the ‘th’ sound. Your tongue should also be relaxed and not tense or pressed too hard against your teeth.

Here is a table summarizing the mouth and tongue positioning for the ‘th’ sound:

‘th’ SoundTongue PositionMouth Position
VoicedTip of tongue behind top front teeth, sides of tongue touching inside of top back teethRelaxed lips slightly apart
UnvoicedTip of tongue behind top front teeth, sides of tongue touching inside of top back teethRelaxed lips slightly apart

By understanding the two different ‘th’ sounds and the correct mouth and tongue positioning, you can start to master this challenging sound in English.

Mastering the ‘r’ Sound

American English ‘r’ Sound

The American English ‘r’ sound is typically pronounced by vibrating the tongue against the roof of the mouth. It is important to note that the ‘r’ sound in American English is often pronounced differently depending on its position within a word. For example, the ‘r’ sound in the word ‘car’ is pronounced in the back of the mouth, while the ‘r’ sound in the word ‘red’ is pronounced in the front of the mouth.

British English ‘r’ Sound

The British English ‘r’ sound is generally pronounced by lightly tapping the tongue against the roof of the mouth. Unlike American English, the ‘r’ sound in British English is not usually pronounced at the end of a word. It is also important to note that the ‘r’ sound in British English is often silent when it comes after a vowel sound, such as in the word ‘car’.

Mouth and Tongue Positioning

To correctly produce the ‘r’ sound, it is important to position your mouth and tongue correctly. Start by placing the tip of your tongue behind your top front teeth. Then, lightly vibrate your tongue against the roof of your mouth as you exhale. Keep your lips relaxed and slightly apart as you make the sound.

It is also important to note that the positioning of your tongue and mouth may vary depending on the specific ‘r’ sound you are trying to produce. Experiment with different positions to find the one that works best for you.

Overall, mastering the ‘r’ sound takes time and practice. By focusing on the specific nuances of the sound in both American and British English, as well as paying attention to your mouth and tongue positioning, you can improve your pronunciation and sound more confident in your English speaking abilities.

How to Make the “th” and “r” Sound Together

Learning how to say the “th” and “r” sound together can be challenging, but with practice, it can be mastered. Here are some tips to help you:

  • Start by pronouncing the “r” sound correctly. Make sure you are using the back of your tongue to vibrate against the roof of your mouth.
  • Next, move your tongue forward to the front of your mouth to make the “th” sound. Your tongue should be between your teeth, and the air should be flowing through the gap.
  • Practice saying words that contain both sounds, like “three,” “through,” and “throw.” Pay attention to the position of your tongue and the flow of air.
  • Try saying phrases that contain both sounds, like “over there” and “through the door.” Focus on making the sounds clear and distinct.

Remember, practice makes perfect. Keep practicing until you feel comfortable and confident with making the “th” and “r” sound together. You can also seek the help of a speech therapist or accent coach if you need additional guidance.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Mispronouncing ‘th’ as ‘f’ or ‘v’

One of the most common mistakes that non-native English speakers make is to mispronounce the ‘th’ sound as ‘f’ or ‘v’. This is because both ‘f’ and ‘v’ sounds are produced by placing the upper teeth on the lower lip, just like the ‘th’ sound. However, the ‘th’ sound is produced by placing the tongue between the teeth, while the ‘f’ and ‘v’ sounds are produced by forcing air between the upper teeth and the lower lip.

To avoid this mistake, it is important to practice placing the tongue between the teeth and forcing air out to produce the ‘th’ sound. It may also be helpful to watch videos or listen to recordings of native English speakers pronouncing the ‘th’ sound to get a better sense of how it should sound.

Mispronouncing ‘r’ as ‘w’

Another common mistake that non-native English speakers make is to mispronounce the ‘r’ sound as ‘w’. This is because both sounds are produced by rounding the lips, but the ‘r’ sound is produced by vibrating the tongue against the roof of the mouth, while the ‘w’ sound is produced by forcing air through rounded lips.

To avoid this mistake, it is important to practice vibrating the tongue against the roof of the mouth to produce the ‘r’ sound. It may also be helpful to practice pronouncing words that contain both the ‘r’ and ‘w’ sounds, such as ‘red’ and ‘wed’, to help distinguish between the two sounds.

You should be patient and persistent when practicing these sounds. With time and practice, you can improve your pronunciation and become more confident in your English-speaking abilities.

Practice Exercises

‘th’ Sound Practice Words

To practice the ‘th’ sound, you can use the following words:

  • Thank you
  • Three
  • Through
  • Thick
  • Thin

Say each word slowly and focus on correctly pronouncing the ‘th’ sound. Repeat each word multiple times until you feel comfortable with the pronunciation.

‘r’ Sound Practice Words

To practice the ‘r’ sound, you can use the following words:

  • Red
  • Rain
  • Rabbit
  • Road
  • Room

When pronouncing these words, make sure to fully pronounce the ‘r’ sound. Practice saying each word slowly and clearly, and repeat each word multiple times until you feel confident with your pronunciation.

Combining the ‘th’ and ‘r’ Sounds

To practice combining the ‘th’ and ‘r’ sounds, you can use the following phrases:

  • Throw the ball
  • Three red roses
  • Thank you for the ride
  • There’s a rat in the room
  • The weather is rather cold

When saying these phrases, focus on correctly pronouncing both the ‘th’ and ‘r’ sounds. Repeat each phrase multiple times until you feel comfortable with the pronunciation. Remember, practicing regularly is key to improving your pronunciation. Use these practice exercises to help you master the ‘th’ and ‘r’ sounds in English.


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